Get Truth Advertising's Digital Media Kit
Church Marketing Strategies and More!
Truth Advertising has been dedicated and successful in helping churches grow for over a decade. We work with churches large and small, from all different backgrounds and denominations all across the country. Because of this extensive background, we have learned a few things about church growth and what works in the church marketing arena. We strive to make this information available to you. In our church marketing digital media kit, you will find information to help make your marketing strategies more effective.
Free Local Area Demographic Profiles for Your Church

The Most Comprehensive Area Demographic Profile Available For Free!
Total Population Report
Number of Homes – Apartments – Home Value -Occupations – Nearby Businesses – Households on Public Assistance – Renter Occupied Homes.
Education Levels
Education profiles by High School Graduates, Some College, College Graduates, Masters Degree, and Doctorate Degrees
Marital Status Profiles
Not just married, but also separated, divorced, widowed, never married, and the spouse present in the home.
Age Breakouts By Sex
Education profiles by High School Graduates, Some College, College Graduates, Masters Degree, and Doctorate Degrees.
Expanded Ethnicity Counts
Expanded ethnicity brackets to include: White, African American, Asian, Hispanic, and even counts for two race homes.
Expanded Income Ranges
Expanded our income ranges to $5,000 increments from less than $10,000 income to above $200,000.
Get Free Samples of Actual Church Postcards
Our 16 page Church Direct Mail Marketing Success Kit contains everything you need to plan, create, and launch effective direct mail campaigns.
Printed samples of actual church postcards, door hangers, and invite cards, bulletin shells, and more.
Pricing Sheet.
The 10 Steps of Using Direct Mail to Grow your Church booklet.
Coupon for 5.000 Free Invite Cards with your first order.
Actual client testimonials.
Truth Advertising company bio.
Coupon for 2500 color church invite cards.

Design Templates and Technical Specifications
Printer Technical Specifications.
Please provide Press-Ready Files in PDF format @ 300dpi. (We will also accept 300 dpi JPG, EPS and TIFF files)
All color artwork and/or images must be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color mode.
File formats must have a minimum of 300 dpi (dot per inch) resolution. Photos included in must be 300dpi also.
Please build your press-ready files by adding 1/8 inch bleed around all your orders:
Example: an 8.5 x 5.5 postcard will have 1/8 inch bleed on all sides and be a final size of 8.75 x 5.75
Example: a 6 x 9 postcard will have 1/8 inch bleed on all sides and be a final size of 6.25 x 9.25
Example: a 6 x 11 postcard will have 1/8 inch bleed on all sides and be a final size of 6.25 x 11.25
a. Fonts must be embedded in PDF files.
b. Fonts must be outlined or converted to paths or curves in EPS files.
c. Some fonts have copyright restrictions and will not embed in PDF Files.
All critical elements (text, images, logos, etc.) must be kept at least 1/2 inch inside the edge.
Please allow 1/16″ cutting tolerance around your card. We recommend no borders due to shifting in the cutting process, borders may appear uneven.
If ghosting under Truth Advertising permit, please leave blank and TA will place it for you. If mailing under church permit, please refer to the template section for placement.
To ensure proper delivery by the USPS, the mailing areas on postcard mailers should be 4.125 inches wide of white mailing box by 2.25 inches tall. The mailing box area must be left white. Your return address must be in the mailing box area or clearly somewhere else on the card – see below. If using your postage permit imprint see below on how to place it. If using our postage permit imprint, we will place it for you.
Your return name and address must match exactly the return name and address originally filed with your non-profit permit.
Design Templates.
8.5 X 5.5 DIRECT MAIL POSTCARDS – Direct Mail Postcard 5.5×8.5 Template
6 X 9 DIRECT MAIL POSTCARDS – Direct Mail Postcard 6×9 Template
6 X 11 DIRECT MAIL POSTCARDS – Direct Mail Postcard 6×11 Template
4 X 6 MAIL POSTCARDS – Direct Mail Postcard 4×6 Template
6.5 X 9 FLAT EDDM DIRECT MAIL POSTCARDS – Direct Mail Postcard 6.5×9 EDDM Template
6.5 X 12 FLAT EDDM DIRECT MAIL POSTCARDS – Direct Mail Postcard 6.5×12 EDDM Template
8.5 X 11 FLAT DIRECT MAIL POSTCARDS – Direct Mail Postcard 8.5×11 Vertical EDDM Template
Direct Mail Postcard 8.5×11 Horizontal EDDM Template
2 X 3.5 INVITE/SEAT CARDS – Businesscard 2inx3.5in.psd
4 X 3.5 BI-FOLD INVITE/SEAT CARDS – Businesscard 3.5inx4in.psd
8.5 X 11 BULLETIN SHELLS – Bulletin 8.5inx11in.psd
8.5 X 14 BULLETIN SHELLS – Bulletin 8.5inx14in.psd
3.5 X 8.5 DOOR HANGERS – Doorhanger 3.5inx8.5in.psd
4.25 X 11 DOOR HANGERS – Doorhanger 4.25inx11in.psd
5.5 X 17 DOOR HANGERS – Doorhanger 5.5inx17in.psd
4 X 6 PRINT ONLY POSTCARDS – Postcard 4 X 6.psd
8.5 X 5.5 PRINT ONLY POSTCARDS – Postcard 8.5 X 5.5.psd
6 X 11 PRINT ONLY POSTCARDS – Postcard 6 X 11.psd
3.5 X 6 CONNECTION CARDS – Connection Card 3.5inx6in V.psd
3.5 X 8.5 CONNECTION CARDS – Connection Card 3.5inx8.5in V.psd
3.625 X 6.5 OFFERING ENVELOPES – Envelope 3.625inx6.5in 4 4 Remittance Long Flap.psd