
John Squiric
4 min read
Speaking to the Masses in 2025
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." - Jesus Christ "To speak to...

John Squiric
3 min read
Top Three Reasons People Will Not Attend Your Church This Easter
Typically, churches have more people visit their church on Easter than at any other time. Search the internet, type it into Chat GBT, and...

John Squiric
5 min read
The Best Church Outreach Platform Ever: Matthew 28: 19-20
Being in the Church Growth and Marketing Industry for the past 20 years, I always get asked the same question, "What is the Best Church...

John Squiric
3 min read
Christmas and the Nonbeliever
Many churches lump Christmas and Easter together when considering marketing to their local community. Many churches choose to concentrate...

John Squiric
4 min read
How Ordering A Pizza Can Change Your Church Outreach Strategy
If there is a recipe for success in church growth, it all begins with picking the right ingredients. Like any recipe, there are...

John Squiric
4 min read
People Want to Return to GOD but not the Local Church
I recently watched the film Jesus Revolution. It depicts the true story of the counterculture movement in the 1970s that spawned the most...

John Squiric
4 min read
5 SEEDS your church can SOW for BACK-TO-SCHOOL that are sure to FALL on FERTILE ground.
After almost 30 years of working personally with thousands of local churches across this country, I have never seen more challenging...

John Squiric
2 min read
The HIGHEST Return, MOST Beneficial Direct Mail Campaign Your Church Will Ever Run!
The HIGHEST Return, MOST Beneficial Direct Mail Campaign Your Church Will Ever Run!

John Squiric
3 min read
Has the coronavirus permanently changed the way people attend church? PEW Research.
In the early months of the pandemic, much of the response from my church clients was the same. "Online church is going very well." - "Our...

John Squiric
3 min read
How to Win Back Your Congregation During COVID-19!
How Bad Is Church Attendance Slipping During COVID-19? Here is a Barna - State of The Church Breakdown Boomers: 26% Stopped Attending ...

John Squiric
5 min read
Designing Church Ad Copy That Works.
North Texas has a lot of churches. It is home to some of the largest churches in the country[i] , as well as hundreds of small and...

John Squiric
7 min read
The 50 Minute Church Marketing Plan
It is imperative to have a plan. Even if you are not planning a marketing campaign shortly, it will benefit your church to complete the...

John Squiric
9 min read
The Church Marketing Funnel. Leveraging your Marketing for Maximum ROI.
One of my closest and dearest friends in college was perhaps one of the smartest math minds in the country at the time. However, for...

John Squiric
3 min read
The Psychology of a Person's Decision to Attend Church!
Before you spend any money on marketing, you need to understand the process by which a prospective visitor decides to visit your church....

John Squiric
6 min read
The Most Potent form of Marketing has been around since creation, and it is FREE!
“A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising.” [i] - Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook The most potent form of marketing has...

John Squiric
2 min read
Is your Church Paying Too Much for Postage? Get Rates as Low as 11.5 cents.
The US Postal Service has a special postage rate for churches, which allows them to pay just 11.5 cents per piece. In addition, by using...

John Squiric
6 min read
A Biblical Precedent for Effective Church Marketing!
I have worked for years to help pastors get God’s message out, and without fail, I’ve heard the same pushback: “I thought it was up to...

John Squiric
6 min read
How Does Church Marketing Work? The critical marketing takeaway from the Parable of the Sower.
One of the best self-help books I have ever read for my marriage was The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. In his book, Dr. Chapman...

John Squiric
5 min read
What is Church Marketing? Is it Biblical? Is it for all Churches? Is your Church doing about it?
What is Church Marketing? Is it Biblical? Is it for all Churches? Is your Church doing about it?